At Hertford Infant School we believe science is inclusive and fosters curiosity in all children. Science enables the acquisition of skills, concepts and attitudes that allow children to make sense of the world around them through investigation and discovery. The Hertford child will be able to explore, observe and problem solve. Our wide and varied curriculum promotes positive attitudes to the learning of science and enables all pupils to feel confident. Pupils leave Hertford Infant School with the self-belief, aspiration, knowledge and skills to succeed as scientists. Our children transition to the junior school with a secure foundation of scientific knowledge that can be built upon. Our school values underpin all teaching, we aspire to shape a future generation who understand the world around them and how to protect it.
At Hertford we ensure science is developed around the needs and interest of the ‘whole child’ to support memorable and accessible learning. We follow the National Curriculum and make links across the curriculum to fully immerse pupils in their learning. Progression is developed throughout the Key Stage to build upon pupils’ knowledge and understanding. We encourage explorative learning through our enabling environments and continuous provision, allowing children to evidence and extend their learning independently. Our children are given opportunities to deepen their scientific thinking during forest school sessions, our forest school lead works alongside teachers to plan sessions and activities that reflect current learning inside the classroom and covers statutory guidance within the National Curriculum. Our safe and stimulating outdoor environment not only allows children to develop an understanding of natural change, but inspires children to collaborate, challenge and deepen scientific knowledge. The Hertford child is given opportunities to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of enquiries to answer questions and draw conclusions from their work. We believe science is highly interconnected and encourage cross-curricular links within our provision, furthermore, we ensure our school values are at the heart of all our learning. Throughout the year we assess children’s scientific knowledge and ability to work scientifically, using guidance to inform next steps, allowing each child to reach their full potential.