A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. At Hertford we value and recognise the contribution that technology can make for all leaners, staff and families at our school. Our school’s Computing curriculum supports children in becoming confident and safe users of technology and to aspire to become digital creators and innovators.
At Hertford, pupils will:
Learn how to participate safely and effectively in the digital world. Pupils are taught to use the internet safely to protect themselves and others.
Use computational thinking and creativity to problem solve
Learn how networks and digital systems work
Become digitally literate and learn how to develop their ideas using a range of technology
Computing lessons are taught weekly in Key Stage 1 and pupils use Chromebooks in class.
In all year groups responsible use of technology will be taught and modelled in computing lessons and assemblies but also through PSHE lessons and communication with parents and carers.
During period of remote learning disadvantaged pupils had access to devices to use at home.
In Key Stage 1 pupils are taught though the Teach Computing curriculum units.
In the Early Years children are introduced to the concept of ‘Computational Thinking’ as problem-solving using both computational devices and ‘unplugged’ activities. Children have access to programmable floor robots and computers in continuous provision.
In Key Stage 1 pupils will begin to learn the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Pupils will be taught to program via the use of floor robots (Beebots) and the Scratch programme.