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Reception Families 2024-25

Hello, we can't wait to meet you!

Hello and welcome to our Reception page. We are looking forward to starting our journey together in September.

I am Mary the Reception teacher. I have been a teacher for many years and have taught all year groups from Year 7 all the way to Reception. I live outside Brighton with my family. I have 2 children, Molly and Micky. I love reading books, learning poetry and am passionate about art. I look forward to meeting you all soon.

Reception 2024-24 Starting Information Letter 

Milk Information 

Term Dates 2024-25

Tapestry Letter 

School Meals Form

Below are some pictures of some of our Early Years enviroments and other general information for Reception parents. On the home page is a video which gives you a sneak peek into life at Hertford Schools. Please watch if you have the time. 

Starting school

INFANT Application Information

You should now have recieved your offer for a school place. If you have any questions or for further information please call the school on 01273 552931 or email admin@hertfordinf.brighton-hove.sch.uk

If you accept your place at Hertford you will hopefully be able to visit and meet the staff and see the enviroment before your child starts. Children will be invited to some settling in sessions in  July.

Here are some ideas of the things you can practise at home before starting in Reception. These will all help your child prepare for starting school. The BBC also has a whole range of videos and articles on ways to support your child as they start school.

Reception Baseline Assessment Our focus at the beginning of the year will be getting to know your child, helping them to feel settled and helping them to build new friendships. Alongside this, we will be required by the government to carry out a baseline assessment of each child.

This video, which is produced by the Department for Education (DfE) explains their baseline assessment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFtcBdknyCI

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