School Uniform
Our children are very proud of our school uniform which is very strongly encouraged.
What does my child need to wear?
Our school colours are red, grey and white. School sweatshirts, fleeces, reversible fleeces and book bags are available from our school office. All items of clothing should have the child's name clearly marked please.
All uniform is now available to purchase ONLINE. Please click here
(Limited stock also availabe from the school office).
PE Kits
For safety and hygiene reasons, children are expected to change into their PE kit which should be sportswear; we ask for children to bring in their own sportswear so they can easily find this. Plimsolls of the pull on type are preferable until a child can do his or her own laces up and are essential as we often do PE in the playground. Trainers are also acceptable for outside PE. We provide each child with a calico bag, they can place their kit in the bag and this is stored in school.